Can Serbian Companies Operate In Croatia


In a global business world, an international presence is becoming more and more important for companies around the world. Entering other markets can be beneficial for many reasons such as increased visibility and greater customer base, but the process is not always easy. Serbian companies looking to expand into Croatia may face a host of legal issues that could be difficult to navigate. In this article, we will take a closer look at the factors that serbian companies need to consider in order to operate in Croatia.

Status of Business Relations between Serbia and Croatia

Serbia and Croatia were part of Yugoslavia until its dissolution in 1992. The two countries have since established diplomatic relations and have signed several agreements aimed at fostering trade and economic cooperation. In recent years, the Croatian government has taken steps to further open up its market to serbian businesses, especially after joining the European Union in 2013. Despite the official openness to serbian companies, there are still some regulatory issues that may cause problems for those looking to do business in Croatia.

Legal Considerations

The most important legal considerations for serbian companies looking to operate in Croatia include: obtaining a business permit, setting up an entity in Croatia, and ensuring compliance with Croatian regulations on labor laws and taxes.

Business Permits

Serbian companies looking to operate in Croatia must typically obtain permission from both the Serbian and Croatian governments. Depending on the type of operation, it may be necessary to obtain clearance from the responsible authorities on both sides, such as the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Entrepreneurship or the Serbian Ministry of Economy.

Establishing an Entity

Once the business permit has been obtained, the serbian company must then establish an entity in Croatia. This process can be complicated and time consuming, as it involves many different steps such as registering with the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, filing the necessary paperwork, and paying business registration fees. It is also important to ensure compliance with Croatian labor laws and other regulations related to setting up a business in Croatia.

Compliance with Law and Regulations

The Croatia authorities have set out a number of rules and regulations that businesses must adhere to in order to legally operate in the country. This includes laws related to taxes, labor protection, and health and safety. Compliance with these laws is essential in order to ensure a smooth transition for the serbian company into Croatia.

Incentives Available

The Croatian government has implemented incentives to encourage the establishment of businesses in the country. These incentives include tax breaks, subsidies, and access to grants and loans for those looking to set up a business in Croatia. Exploring these options can help make the process of operating in Croatia smoother and more cost efficient.

Expert Support

The legal and regulatory environment in Croatia can be daunting for those looking to establish a business in the country. It is often beneficial to seek the advice of experts in the field, such as local attorneys or business consultants. They can provide valuable insight on the best way to set up and operate a business in Croatia.


Croatia has taken steps to make its market more open to foreign businesses, including those from Serbia. While there are still some regulatory issues to consider, with the right advice and support, it is possible for companies from Serbia to successfully operate in Croatia.

Taxation for Serbian Companies in Croatia

Taxation is an important factor when considering a business in a foreign country. It is important to note that Croatian law states that a company registered in Serbia has to pay the same taxes as a Croatian company. This includes value added tax (VAT), tax on income and the corporate tax rate of up to 18%. However, there are certain tax exemptions that can be applied, depending on the industry, sector, and nature of operation. These exemptions can make it easier for serbian companies to establish a business in Croatia.

Employment Regulations

Employment regulations in Croatia vary depending on the nature of the business and whether or not the employees are citizens of Croatia. It is important to note that the labour laws in Croatia are generally strict in comparison to other countries, and it is important to ensure compliance with the necessary regulations to ensure that the business will be able to operate without any disruptions.

Business Environment

The business environment in Croatia is generally quite welcoming, especially for foreign investors. The government provides a number of incentives and support to help companies establish and operate in the country. This includes access to loans and grants, as well as tax breaks and subsidies.

Marketing & Promotion

It is important for serbian companies to consider the various methods of promotion and marketing when expanding into Croatia. This includes the use of traditional methods such as print, television, and radio advertising, as well as more modern methods such as digital marketing and social media. These methods can be used to reach the Croatian customers and create awareness about the company.

Cultural Considerations

It is important to take into consideration the cultural differences between Serbia and Croatia. Despite their shared past, there are still some cultural differences that should be kept in mind when venturing into the Croatian market. This includes language, customs, and the way business is conducted. It is important to be mindful of these differences in order to lessen any potential cultural misunderstandings.

Richard Marron

Richard P. Marron is an experienced travel writer who has visited Croatia multiple times, and has been writing about the country since 2014. He is an enthusiastic advocate of Croatian culture, and has developed a deep knowledge of the history, geography and culture of the region. Richard is passionate about sharing his experiences and insights about Croatia with others, and hopes to inspire more people to explore the country's many wonders.

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